More informations about the project
Globalization and continuous changes in all aspects of life are the most influential factors that we need to consider when thinking about effective education. Integration and implementation of work-based learning into the school curriculum is one of the most important step to a successful professional life. The workplace offers diverse and rich learning opportunities that enable learners to develop their skills, knowledge and competences that they need to become fully qualified and flexible professionals. Vocational education needs to adapt to the situation on a labour market. It should offer students not only options for better employment chances, but it should also motivate them for a further study. There is no doubt that internationalisation influences our lives in many ways and so it should be implemented in vocational education too. That´s why we feel extremely important to develop international cooperation between institutions and encourage new approaches to teaching, learning and training with the emphasize on foreign languages and practical skills. We would like to offer vocational education that is built on quality, relevance and attractiveness. The main objectives of this project is through a traineeship in companies enable our students to develop their personalities and improve their professional skills and abilities that are necessary for their future working lives.
By developing this project we would like to fulfill the following objectives:
- to improve the quality and efficiency of vocational education and to enhance its attractiveness and relevance
- to promote and increase mobility in Europe
- to enhance creativity, innovation and entrepreneurship
- to promote equity, social cohesion and active citizenship
- to use and promote European transparency tools such as ECVET and Europass
- to give an international dimension to the learning content
- to promote studying foreign languages, especially English
The target group of this project are the students of ICT field - computer network mechanic, economic informatics. We have selected the students of ICT field because this field is getting more and more popular among the students of our school and at the same time it is the field that is continuously in progress. We have about 120 students of ICT field in our school and we are planning to send 60 students for traineeship abroad within this project. The graduate of ICT field is a qualified worker who has the knowledge and skills in the field of management and transmission of information, use of information technology, hardware, computer software and computer networks. Graduates are able to work independently as well as in a team. Their knowledge and skills are to use not only for the operation of the equipment for the processing of information, proposals and implementation of communication systems, but also to make diagnosis and check or repair defects and deficiencies on the devices. They have knowledge in the field of business, management and marketing too so after graduating they are well prepared for starting their own business. The graduates have a wide professional profile with the necessary general education and practical and professional skills and abilities.
The participants involved in the project focus in their study and practical training on the knowledge and skills in the field of ICT hardware, , software and computer network. They specialize in working with networks according to requirements and configuration as well as PC upgrading, diagnostics and repair, installation of operating systems, setting up the environment. During their study they devote to the protection and security of PC installation and supply management, data design and installation of PC networks and subnets. They are also taught to use alternative operating systems (Linux), advanced use of Office (office, OpenOffice), algorithm and programming (Pascal, Delphi, C), working with graphic and design software (AutoCad). Those are the activities that we want to develop within the project.
First of all our project supports skills in vocational subjects, improve social and communication competences, improves professional competence, broadens participants´ horizons and gives an opportunity for personal development of each participants. All factors mentioned will enable the participants to find their positions in European labour market and it will decrease unemployment rate in general.
The results of the project will be PPT and Prezi presentations, discussions, articles in the newspapers, school magazines or newsletters, videospots on local TVs, websites which will contain the information about traineeship. The results will be new gained skills and abilities of each participant.
From a longer perspective our project will help and encourage the people to adapt to new developments and manage changes that all of us have to face.